The following are my notes on healing herbs in DR.

Being an empath, and having done all the foraging for the maps, I have also acquired a large amount of information on the healing herbs of Elanthia. Included among these pages will be a herb table of the healing herbs and notes I've gathered on preparation and potency.  Also here is a list of the places in the major cities of the continent and islands where you can buy specific herbs and a link to Olwydd's herb location database to forage for your own.

Building off Zeltaen's Magnificent Foraging Compendium original list, I've started my Detailed Herb Information page, which documents some of the different times of day and year herbs are found, additional properties such as braidable or burnable, and the baseline foraging ranks originally listed. Please note that any foraging ranks listed on this site should be taken as just a loose guide as there are many factors that influence your sucess at finding a specific item.  Also as a work in progress is my patterns list, where I've been making note of different patterns I see with things in the hopes of one day pinning down environment types associated with different herbs.

A new Alchemy system is being released in 2013, and I imagine many of the items on this page will be changing. I have every intention of spending some quality time with the new system and will update this page as needed.

The following is a table of the messaging you can get, from best to worst, when your healing herbs are working.
The higher on the chart the messaging, the stronger the healing done:

You wounds melt away
You feel a great deal better.
You feel a lot better.
You feel much better.
You feel better.
You feel somewhat better.
You feel a little better.
You feel slightly better.
You get an itching sensation around your <area>.


The following is a table of the messaging you can get from RECALL HERB:

You recall blocil berries is used to heal internal back injuries, and is generally found in freshwater wetlands or urban and rural cultivated areas.
You recall cebi root is used to heal external scars, and is generally found in steppes.
You recall eghmok moss is used to heal internal head injuries, and is generally found in boreal and deciduous forests.
You recall genich stem is used to heal external torso scars, and is generally found in freshwater wetlands, coastal areas, marine areas, and rainforests.
You recall georin grass is used to heal external neck injuries, and is generally found in rural cultivated areas, savannahs, and coastal areas.
You recall hisan salve is used to heal internal scars, and is generally found in unknown locations.
You recall hulnik grass is used to heal external back injuries, and is generally found in savannahs, steppes, urban and rural cultivated areas.
You recall jadice flower is used to heal external limbs injuries, and is generally found in badlands, deserts, rainforests, and urban and rural cultivated areas.
You recall jadice pollen is used to heal external limb scars, and is generally found in badlands, deserts, rainforests, and urban and rural cultivated areas.
You recall junliar stem is used to heal internal back injuries, and is generally found in highland mountains, freshwater wetlands, or urban and rural cultivated areas.
You recall muljin sap is used to heal internal abdomen injuries, and is generally found in freshwater wetlands and rural cultivated areas.
You recall nemoih root is used to heal external head injuries, and is generally found in steppes, and urban and rural cultivated areas.
You recall nilos grass is used to heal external abdomen injuries, and is generally found in boreal forests, deciduous Forests, chaparrals, and coastal areas.
You recall nuloe stem is used to heal internal limb scars, and is generally found in boreal forests, deciduous forests, chaparrals, and coastal areas.
You recall plovik leaf is used to heal external chest injuries, and is generally found in freshwater wetlands, boreal forests, rainforests, and savannahs.
You recall qun pollen is used to heal external head scars, and is generally found in ice caps, steppes, and deserts.
You recall riolur leaf is used to heal internal neck injuries, and is generally found in boreal forests, deciduous forests, and steppes.
You recall sufil sap is used to heal external eyes injuries, and is generally found in coastal areas, chaparrals, and scrub or thorn areas.
You recall yelith root is used to heal internal limbs injuries, and is generally found in steppes, chaparral, scrub and thorn areas.
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