Velmix attack #1 - Daxlynn
Idora - caravans and triage
Velmix attack #2 - Lennede (and more on the caravans)
Laarth - Ilithi who's who
Velmix attack #3 - Deme (and more from Laarth)
Viptorian - Introduction to an Ambassador
Lennede - research on spells and ideas talked about at the first gathering
Lennede and Kythryn - triage ideas and tour
(Kythryn starts walking around the room, scanning for things amiss)
Xephar asks, "So, how often do these meetings take place?"
You ask Xephar, "well, when I get untraumatized enough to try and coordinate one?"
You say to Xephar, "this is, however, the second one. The first was a few weeks back"
You say, "I do have notes from the first gathering too, if you would like a copy, please speak with me and I'll get you one" (see notes here)
You say, "we'll get started in a few minutes yet"
You say, "a few folks are coming down from a meeting in Crossing"
Laarth says, "Kythyrn, I present Scandi"
Laarth says, "She is well entrenched in the empaths plans for Zoluren and expressed a serious interest in attending"
You say, "then I am honored you could take the time to attend, thank you"
Laarth says, "Scandi, Kythyrn has be very involved in organizing the empath effort here in Shard"
Scandi says, "Its a very important part of things to come Im happy to see everyone getting involved in this and sharing our ideas"
Daxlynn asks Scandi, "I am sorry, I am confused. What did you mean share OUR ideas?"
Scandi asks, "Share our ideas.. Pertaining to this meeting.. triage.... Am I at the wrong meeting?"
Scandi utters a brief, inquiring "mrrp?" in Daxlynn's direction.
Daxlynn falls over.
Daxlynn says, "My spirit..."
Daxlynn recites:
"Whither thou goest, I go. Behold the fire in my soul, for it weeps for thee"
Toulom exclaims, "What in blazes?!"
Daxlynn says, "Velmix.."
Drexella says, "Uh oh"
(Kythryn steps to the front of the room, looking over the gathered crowd and asking for folks to take their seats)
Xephar asks, "Are you agoing to be alright?"
Toulom asks Daxlynn, "Ye all right, there, lady?"
Daxlynn says, "My spirit drained"
Daxlynn says, "I ... I seem to be alright now"
You say, "if we can all settle down, we'll go ahead and get started"
Laarth quietly asks Daxlynn, "Velmix attacks again?"
Daxlynn nods to Laarth.
Daxlynn says, "Aye, just now"
You say, "Welcome again to everyone who has made the time and journey this day to gather."
Xephar says, "Velmix is up to no good."
You say, "We'll go ahead and get started. What I am hoping for this evening is, we'll start by having a few folks speak with us on a few things, then we'll stretch our legs a bit and I will guide us around the various potential triage locations in the city and surrounding area. "
You say, "We'll return back here, and open the floor to discussing the potential of each location and if you are all inclined, we'll make some decisions on where we'd like to encourage folks to go. "
You exclaim, "If that's possible of course!"
You grin.
You say, "Once that is completed, we'll open the floor to anyone else who would like to speak on other matters."
You ask, "are there any questions before we get started?"
You say, "then, let's all turn our attention to Teamster Idora Skylure of Ilithi"
You smile at Idora.
Idora exclaims, "Hello!"
You gaze into Idora's eyes and applaud her heartily. (applause)
Idora says, "I was asked here today to talk about how traders can help with the transport of dead to the triage locations"
Idora says, "as most of you know the caravan can have dead people tied to them, and the caravan can drag them anywhere that the trader can go, well for the most part anyway."
Idora says, "I have managed to drag 9 people before, and do not know what the upper limit for me is, most traders can drag 3-5 people"
Idora says, "a caravan will follow a person who is invisble or stalking as well."
Idora says, "advanced traders can also carry 300 items in thier caravan"
Idora asks, "I'm open to questions?"
Veracity says, "that is more than I am carrying right now"
Laarth says, "That is impressive to be sure"
Xephar asks, "So you could use the carrying space on your caravan to store the dead folks weapons?"
Idora says, "yes."
Xephar says, "Thats convenient."
Idora says, "I belive xand has a question"
Veracity asks, "where is it you can't go near Shard?"
You smile as she nods to the folks raising their hands with questions
Lennede says, "Velmix just reached into my we sit here."
Lennede shudders.
Idora says, "a caravan will not go inside and will not go through the gash"
Lennede growls ferociously!
Daxlynn says, "Mine too Lennede"
Narice asks, "should we somehow provide a spot near the battle area to tie the dead to the wagon or wait for the wagon at the battle?"
Sircha asks, "Velmix bad person?"
Lennede nods to Sircha.
Lennede says, "he dinnae get much"
Lennede says, "sorry"
Lennede blushes a bright red color.
Idora says, "it depends on the number of traders that can be recruited, i would think this is something you would wish to do in addition, not instead of."
Xephar says, "Anything involving Velmix is important."
Narice asks, "does the trader have to be the one to tie the dead to the wagon?"
Idora says, "though anyone can drag a body off."
Lennede says to you, "do not let him prevent us from meeting, keep goin."
Idora asks, ""laarth?"
Veracity asks, "um is there something special we must do to get the body off the caravan?"
Daxlynn says, "Aye, keep going. I will clense my soul later."
Laarth says, "I understand that caravans can pass places difficult to drag from"
Idora says, "just dragging them will do it, or the trader can untie them."
Laarth asks, "Here in Ilithi, what places would that include?"
Idora says, "anyplace the trader can get to, the caravan will go."
Idora says, "the slope in suprt trolls, the boulder in gargoyles and i'm guessing malchata if you could find a trader will enough skill to get in."
Idora asks, "did I miss anyone?"
You ask Idora, "did you get Xand's question?"
Xand says, "well, I was perhaps thinking better of it "
[The Great Tower, Chamber of Voices]
This room is a touch chilly despite the red carpet that has been laid down on
the floor. Aisles of polished wooden benches allow for around seventy Human
adults to sit in comfortably. A raised dais occupies the rear of the room, an
ornate podium rising up in front of it. You also see a black panther, a
glowering Shadow Servant, and a tiny dog who is sitting.
Also in the room: Nightmaster Schvartzgonif, Cleric Kadoshgonif, Empath
Rufiagonif, Kyetn who is sitting, Field Medic Narice, Ambassador Viptorian who
is sitting, Kirmiko Amorisse, Weapon Master Lionjester, Valkyrie Drexella who is
sitting, Kirmiko Lennede, Redfers who is sitting, WoundBearer Veracity who is
sitting, Mercy Naresha, Lord Marshal Leucius, Master Healer Lys, Teamster Idora,
Lookout Thangor, Scandi who is sitting, Laarth who is sitting, Warrior Poet
Elenelear, Healer Mileva, Warrior Mage Delaine, Xand who is sitting, Deme who is
sitting, Neowulff, Daxlynn who is kneeling, Minstrel Sircha, Empath Xephar, and
Telo'Getha Shaeun.
Obvious exits: out.
Idora says, "oh, it does not apply in shard, but a caravan can lead as well, and any roundtime that the people who are joined to the trader expereince is irrelevant"
Idora says, "so you can hide and follow a caravan and it does not treat it as if you were stalking."
Veracity asks, "would banner to the room stop Velmix's interferance?"
You ask, "do we have any other questions for Idora right now?"
You exclaim, "thank you for speaking then Idora!"
(lots of applause)
Lennede says, "I like the multiple body concept"
Xephar says, "That would definatly speed things up."
Narice says, "and carrying weapons for the dead"
You say, "next, I'd like us all to give our attention to Laarth Frozenfyre of Ilithi..."
Idora says, "aww yer gonna give me an even more swelled head."
Lennede exclaims, "and weapons for the livin too!"
(applause applause applause)
(Laarth makes his way down to the dais to speak)
Laarth says, "Hello one and all"
Laarth says, "I was asked to speak today on the topic of well, a sort of run down on Shard, and the surroundings "
Laarth says, "In regard to the powers that be"
Laarth says, "I would, of course begin with Shard"
Laarth says, "The city of shard is under the peaceful Elothean rule of the Ferdahl"
Laarth says, "Kukalakai"
Laarth says, "and the Three"
Laarth says, "Seer Judge Osiinth, Leader Osur, Protectorate Viirin"
Laarth says, "The Protectorate Viirin is involved with the military presence of the city"
Laarth says, "Under her is also the tower guard"
(Kythryn watches Laarth intently, scribing down names she had not heard yet)
Laarth says, "Who's commander is Kirew Deruhanae"
Laarth says, "The tower guard's primary charge is the safety of the Ferdahl"
Laarth says, "And secondarily all those who also reside and work around the Great tower"
Laarth says, "Many of you may know Guardsman Yoneimo for example"
Laarth says, "The military maintains the guards at the gate"
Laarth says, "and all other defensive presences"
Laarth says, "The military force of the city"
Laarth says, "I defensive in nature"
Rufiagonif hisses, "the sssentinelsss work for Yoneimo?"
Laarth says, "Not since years back has Shard raised an offensive force"
Laarth says, "The militia will be an autonymous group answering to the will of of the Ferdahl and under her and the Protectorate's dominion"
Laarth says, "In addition to Shard"
Laarth says, "There is the Horse Clan to the west"
Laarth says, "They have provided tireless defense along the western borderlands these many years"
Lennede rubs Deme gently.
Deme painfully says to Viptorian, "Velmix..."
Laarth says, "The the Cheiftain Ruinyk is a personable and cheery fellow whom I would hope you all at sometime get the good fortune to meet"
Daxlynn continues praying.
[The Great Tower, Chamber of Voices]
This room is a touch chilly despite the red carpet that has been laid down on
the floor. Aisles of polished wooden benches allow for around seventy Human
adults to sit in comfortably. A raised dais occupies the rear of the room, an
ornate podium rising up in front of it. You also see a black panther who is
sitting, a glowering Shadow Servant, and a tiny dog who is sitting.
Also in the room: Kaedan, Collector Nirveli who is sitting, Nala, Holy Mage Zyly,
Cleric Kadoshgonif, Empath Rufiagonif, Kyetn who is sitting, Field Medic Narice,
Ambassador Viptorian who is sitting, Kirmiko Amorisse who is sitting, Weapon
Master Lionjester, Valkyrie Drexella who is sitting, Kirmiko Lennede, Redfers
who is sitting, WoundBearer Veracity who is sitting, Mercy Naresha, Lord Marshal
Leucius, Master Healer Lys, Teamster Idora, Lookout Thangor, Scandi who is
sitting, Laarth, Warrior Poet Elenelear, Xand who is sitting, Deme who is
sitting, Neowulff, Daxlynn who is kneeling, Minstrel Sircha, Empath Xephar, and
Telo'Getha Shaeun.
Obvious exits: out.
Laarth says, "The hunters of the clan have been know to assist and aid when required in other areas other than the western borderlands over time"
Laarth says, "To the south"
Laarth says, "Is Corik's Wall"
Veracity quietly says, "and Shadow Clan"
Laarth says, "I regret that my studies are not up to snuff in that direction as yet"
Xephar asks, "Shadow clan?"
Laarth says, "There are many who would do to speak on that area much more knowledgebly than I"
Veracity says, "rangers know of it"
Laarth nods.
Daxlynn beckons everyone to gather around.(we all join Daxlynn and she casts a PFE on the group, hopefully to prevent more Velmix attacks)
Laarth says, "In regards to recent events here in the city of an official nature"
Laarth says, "The preliminary interviews for Commander postions have ended"
Laarth says, "We expect second and perhaps final interviews"
Veracity asks, "are they public now?"
Laarth says, "Will be underway very soon"
Laarth says, "Until such time as the commanders are appointed"
Laarth says, "We will continue to build our armory"
Laarth says, "Make our new tri-mana maps"
Veracity asks, "I have a question about that?"
(Kythryn inclines her head toward Sircha, who is organizing the armory)
Laarth says, "Learn how to properly patrol"
Laarth says, "practice offensive and defensive tactics"
(Kythryn inclines her head again, towards Daxlynn, who is offering informative tours of the area)
Laarth says, "Discuss and plan for triage and"
Laarth says, "Spelltowers"
Xephar asks, "speaking of defensive and offensive tactics... is an empath with poor combat skills, still effective in a traige?"
Laarth says, "Finally we continue our efforts to tirelessly recruit help and strengthen our communciations and ties to our counterparts all over the continent"
Laarth says, "I believe that covers the run down of where we are and who some of the folks in charge are in Ilithi"
You smile as folks speak out and fidget, winking as she murmurs to them that there will be time for questions when Laarth is done speaking
Laarth says, "I hope I did not bore you all to tears"
Veracity asks, "but I do have a question?"
Veracity says, "actually 2"
Laarth nods to Veracity.
Laarth says, "Please"
Laarth just left. (and we lose our speaker to those darn ISP’s!)
You blink.
Veracity asks, "um on weapons...where does one put any weapons they are giving to the cause, and what is needed?"
(Kythryn searches around, looking for a Laarth)
You say, "one moment Veracity"
You say, "we've lost our speaker"
You say, "well, while we wait for the wily Laarth to return for questions..."
You say, "let me go ahead and introduce Ambassador Viptorian Arcinian of Therengia..."
Viptorian says, "I'd just like to let everyone know that I'm always willing to listen to anything that anyone wishes to tell me. i can't always divulge things, but I will do what I can. I don't want anyone to feel as though they can't approach me."
Viptorian smiles softly
Drexella asks, "You listen?"
Drexella winks at Viptorian.
Viptorian just nudged Drexella.
You say, "for those who have not yet met the Ambassador, he is a representative from our norther neighbors of Therengia"
Xephar says, "Get the Therengian empaths interested in this."
Deme says, "We are."
Deme grins slowly.
Drexella says, "Therengian triage leader."
You say, "thank you Ambassador"
Viptorian smiles.
You say, "I will go ahead and keep the meeting going here by introducing our last speaker...Kirmiko Lennede Beir of Ilithi"
(lots of applause)
Lennede exclaims, "Hello all!"
Lennede says, "I was asked to talk about some work that some of us have done regarding triage planning over the past months."
Lennede says, "specifically that of using an ice fortress as a mobile field triage unit."
Lennede says, "Months back, some of us did some testing of this as a viable supplement to field triage."
Veracity says, "cold but safe..."
Lennede grins at Veracity.
Lennede nods.
Xephar says, "How is the mana inside a fortress"
Lennede says, "A war mage can create an ice fortress around selected people in the field and create a safe haven for healing or clerical work. This, of course would depend on the mana available in the spot where the fortress is created."
Lennede says, "It is basically the same as the spot on which it is created"
Lennede says, "and I will talk about mana considerations in a moment."
Kyetn says, "should be the same as the room as its created in"
Narice asks, "how would the departed get back to the ward or grave?"
Lennede says, "I will also talk about that"
Lennede grins.
Rufiagonif asks, "can moonmages set up gates inside them?"
Lennede says, "If life mana is weak in the spot, raise power can be used for temporary boosts. The Zephyr is always handy to prevent the loss of energy that the raise mana spell causes as life force is borrowed."
You say, "please, let's go ahead and hold questions until our speaker is finished..."
You smile.
Lennede says, "yes hang on..let me cover the points I have prepared..and some of them may be covered."
Lennede says, "We also tested use of a moon gate into the fortress. This is most efficient when a beam is set inside the fortress and people or bodies gated into the fortress."
Lennede says, "Some younger mages may have difficulty gating from inside the fortress to a beam set outside, but it can be done if one has sufficient skill."
Lennede says, "Redfers here tested this only days ago to confirm."
Lennede grins at Redfers.
Lennede says, "he can gate just about anywhere"
Redfers sits up straight, looking proud.
Redfers blushes a bright red color.
Lennede says, "It is not possible to shift a beam inside the fortress, no."
Lennede says, "one would have to be inside and set the beam."
Lennede says, "there is no roof covering on the the sky is visible."
Xephar says, "How long does a fortress last?>"
Lennede says, "About not being able to gate from inside out...this is not a terrible loss, as it seems most helpful to have the moon mage go to the fallen and beam into the safe spot rather than vice versa."
Lennede says, "for younger mages that is"
Lennede asks, "Kyetn..can you address the issue of the length of a fortress spell?"
Kyetn says, "depending on the mages skill"
Kyetn says, "it could last up to a anlas"
Kyetn says, "or more"
You hear someone hiss, "and if they invadesss when no moonsss are up?"
Veracity says, "we pray"
Lennede says, "As someone already consideration for use of a fortress for helping the dead would be to ensure their safe passage back into the fort. Those inside can leave but cannot get back in unless the war mage invites them in or if gated back in."
Kyetn says, "like all spells, it depends on the prep and skill of the mage"
You say, "I think the idea here is that we know what those from our friends in the other guilds are capeable of..."
Lennede says, "and...the shadow person's question...the war mage can invite folks into the fortress or reconfigure it somehow for admission"
Lennede says, "I am not a war mage so I am not sure about all that finger waggling stuff."
Kyetn says, "and as far as i know, the casting mage can drag a body in"
(Kythryn catches Ariwin's eye and winks before turning her attention back to Lennede's talk)
Lennede says, "well the bigger question is how to get back in once ye alive and nekkid."
Lennede chortles softly at some secret joke.
Idora says, "i wonder if a caravan would follow a trader in."
Lennede says, "so those things would have to be planned"
Veracity asks, "can there be two beams then, from from the mage by the temple as well?"
Nirveli glances towards Idora with a speculative gleam in her eye.
You ask Lennede, "was that all you had planned to speak on Lennede? Perhaphs take some questions from these patient folk?"
Lennede says, "I understand that ice fortresses are virtually impenetrable. War mages here may be able to answer specific questions about them."
Xephar says, "Mana Bombs!@"
Xephar says, "What about mana bombs."
Lennede says, "ahh"
Lennede says, "mana bombs.."
Veracity mutters into the air something about Patience is my middle name...Patience is my middle name....(hehehe)
Lennede says, "actually we talked about that at the last meeting."
You say, "let's go ahead and speak in turn, ok folks...with so many, Lennede is going to get dizzy with keeping track"
Lennede says, "It was discussed that Psychic Shield may be helpful to protect from those."
You hear someone hiss, "in cassse of mana bombsss, throw the barbariansss at the enemy and run"
Lennede gets an iheaneu'a shield brooch from inside an arm pouch stitched with a beautiful forest scene.
Lennede says, "There is a brooch that can be purchased on Ratha for the small price of 8 plat"
Lennede says, "it contains this spell. "
You say, "if you missed out on the discussion from the first gathering on the mana bombs, please speak with me and I can get you a copy of those notes"
Lennede says, "We did not think the spell could be cast on others at the last meeting."
Lennede says, "Since that time, we have learned that it can indeed be cast on others thanks to the wise revision of this restriction by the guild leaders."
Lennede says, "Again, we have tested it and have indeed been able to have it cast on others. Fortunately, there have been no mana bombs to test the protection provided. "
You exclaim to Lennede, "good to know, thank you for all your hard work testing these things guild sister!"
Xephar says, "Since it's not a weapon available to us."
Lennede says, "as ever, there may be skill prohibitions..and i understand the spell is "mana sensitive" or such"
Lennede says, "again..a mage will be better suited to describe the limitations and length of the spell and so forth."
Lennede asks, "Nirveli..did you have a question?"
Lennede asks, "or bit of information?"
Nirveli says, "I was just wondering if you've thought of putting an ice fortress with people in it where the fighting would be thickest"
Lennede asks, "Kyetn? did you have a question?"
Lennede says, "ah"
Nirveli says, "So that they could exit and drag people"
Lennede says, "Actually it would be handy if someone is in dire need."
Kyetn says, "i was told this mana bomb was similar to the bug in swamp trolls in haven"
Lennede nods to Kyetn.
Nirveli says, "People don't have to be dead to drag them"
Kyetn asks, "could pyshic shield be tested in there?"
Xephar asks, "Is it possible for critters to get into the fortress, or for critters to destroy the fortress somehow?"
Shaeun says, "themage has to do it"
Lennede says, "I have seen many a mage create a fortress when in a busy hunting area"
Lennede says, "They can also isolate one or two beasts with them inside"
Lennede chortles softly at some secret joke.
Shaeun says, "no one but the mage can enter and exit at will"
Veracity says, "oooo"
Shaeun says, "everyone else can just exit."
Rufiagonif hisses, "can thessse ice fortressssssesss be melted by other magesss with sssuch thingsss asss fire rainsss?"
Daxlynn says, "The parasite in swamp trolls is natural. the mana bomb is more to do with alchemy"
Lennede says, "so that might also be an interesting ploy to isolate some ...bad folks"
Shaeun says, "everyone else can just exit."
Lennede asks, "Kyetn...can you help with information on the destruction of ice fortresses with other bits o magic?"
Kyetn says, "nothing that isnt in the mages group can enter the ice fortress"
Kyetn says, "anyone can leave when they like"
Lennede says, "but the question was raised about whether things like fire rain destroy it"
Kyetn says, "not to my knowledge"
Shaeun says, "burn is supposed to"
Kyetn says, "it will decay over time though"
Lennede exclaims, "more testing to be done it looks like!"
Lennede grins.
You ask, "do we have any other questions for Lennede and her companions?"
Kyetn says, "all spells have time limits on em i'm afriad"
(heheh...insert Ariwin and his traveling drunken comedy stop here)
Lennede asks, "any other questions regarding the ice fortress or the use of the psychic shield?"
You ask, "ok, any more questions for Lennede about this great reasearch?"
Deme says, "Just some clarification, please."
Deme asks, "You said Psychic Shield can be cast on others... by moon mages, or just through the brooches?"
Deme asks, "Or both?"
Lennede says, "ahh Deme thank you for the point of clarification."
Lennede says, "the brooch is for strictly personal use to my knowledge."
Lennede says, "it is Moon Mages who would cast it on others."
Deme says, "Thank you."
Lennede exclaims, " your 8 plat and find a moon mage friend!"
Deme says to herself, "Too late."
You hear someone hiss, "i thought psssy ssshield couldn't be cassst on othersss"
Lennede says, "it has changed over time."
Lennede says, "it can, and has been confirmed."
You say, "ok, let's go ahead and move along to the next part of our gathering here...Lennede and I have scouted out some potential triage spots that I think we should discuss..."
Lennede nods to you.
Rufiagonif hisses, "amazying. thatsss good to know"
You say, "Lennede is going to speak a bit about what she was looking for, then let's all take a tour of the ones here in the city"
You say, "I think a breath of fresh air can do us all good..."
Lennede says, "Consideration of selection of triage spots included the presence of life, holy and elemental mana and defensability of the spot."
Lennede says, "it also is important to include places where folks are used to going for triage, as well as setting up some alternate places in the event those are overrun."
Lennede says, "and to consider places outside of the city proper in the event that the city is overrun."
Lennede says, "Kythryn and many others have spent a good deal of time mapping mana in the Shard area."
Lennede exclaims, "I understand that we will have a tour of some areas that meet these considerations!"
(Kythryn nods her head to Daxlynn and Xand, who have been helping to map too) (applause for Daxlynn and Xand, yey!)
You say, "ok, let's all go ahead and join me then"
You say, "and I'll take us on a tour of areas that might be potential triage locations, be it primary or secondary"
Leucius says, "Road trip"
You say, "we all need to stand too..."
Leucius says, "As long as no Ranger is leading..."
Ariwin fiddles with his ranger doll, and places it on the ground.
A ranger doll waddles in aimless circles about the room, bumping into things and doubling back on its trail, until it finally winds down and falls to the floor with a thump.
You ask, "ok, we all set?"
[Shard, Opal Street Green]
The street creates a wide circle around a small patch of grass and trees that
crop up out of the cobblestone bones of the city. Benches and a fresh breeze
compliment the setting, and a general feeling of peaceful relaxation
incorporates itself into the air around the little slice of growing life. You
also see an arching crystal bridge leading west and Vaalrin House.
You say, "so, this is a point of interest"
You say, "here, outside the Ilithi citzen house"
Lennede asks, "we are...northeast of the great tower, aye?"
You say, "incredible mana for us all"
You say, "aye, 3 paces NE"
You say, "feel free to check it, we'll wait a moment"
Lennede says, "this is out in the open, but easy to get to and off the beaten path"
You say, "as Lennede mentioned...not defenisable, but good mana"
You say, "on to the next spot"
You say, "going north from the great tower"
[Painted Ladies Design]
Buckets of paint and white canvas dropcloths streaked with colorful spatters lie
neatly piled in the corners of the shop, while paint brushes wrapped in paper
hang drying upon the walls. A cast iron tub in the corner is used to mix paint
as workmen make ready to start a job. In the center of the room, a sign
welcomes you to Painted Ladies Design.
You say, "here we have another area of high mana concentration"
You say, "you take the north road until you can break NW, two paces NW and into the shop"
Lennede says, "this is protected and has many other rooms adjacent where one might drag the dead for departing so as to keep things less hectic when folks are gettin dressed and such"
You say, "I feel this spot has merit as there are so many rooms to drag into for folks to depart, etc"
Leucius says, "Halflings and gnomes could hide in that tub too..."
You say, "and, it's not a 'known' area, so it might be good if we find the popular triage locations being attacked"
Lennede says, "one thing also to think about as a function of triage is to have clerical help on restoring holy defense spells, weapon blesses, and someone to take folks on favor runs."
You say, "ok, moving on"
Veracity asks, "what are the popular triage spots?"
[Stormwill Tower, Entrance Hall]
The entrance hall of Stormwill, unlike most other towers in Shard, is very plain
and unassuming, function being more important than form to the two Guilds based
here. Twin arches, on opposite sides of the hall, lead east to the Empath's
Guild and west to the Infirmary. A dark stone staircase curves sinuously into
the darkness overhead, leading to the areas of the Tower devoted to the Warrior
Mage Guild. You also see some worn granite steps leading to the basement and an
air elemental.
Veracity exclaims, "I know this spot!"
You say, "we're at one of them now Veracity"
Veracity nods.
You say, "the empath and WM tower"
You say, "to the west, you'll find good life mana, the east, good holy"
Lennede says, "some of the traditional triage spots in Shard are the spot near Adan'f, the stable in gargs, Liani's heaven and here in this guild."
You say, "so, again, a good spot to help break up the triage...but, harder to defend since it would be in 2 areas"
Lennede nods to you.
You say, "this is, for folks making notes, at the NW area of town"
You wink.
You say, "moving on..."
Lennede says, "We have also used..once in a while..a lil door shop east one step of the west gate."
[A Grand Entrance]
Samples of beautifully-constructed doors in the most fashionable and costly
styles stand in neat rows around the walls of this smart shop, each flawless
piece a worthy tribute to its maker's skill. A haughty salesman wanders around
the store, pausing occasionally to run a manicured hand over the gleaming
entrances on display. You also see a silver-inlaid oak double door and a
haughty salesman.
Lennede says, "But the wall shop has much more powerful mana by far"
You wink at Lennede.
You say, "aye, it should be noted the wall shop is also open day and night"
You say, "this is the door shop Lennede just spoke of"
You say, "not so great elemental, but good life and holy"
Lennede says, "and there is a second room for moving functions to another spot"
Kyetn says, "is workable, especially wit fissure"
You say, "so, benifits are it's near the west gate, if there are attacks coming from there"
You say, "but, not the best mana ever"
You say, "from south of the great tower"
[Liani's Heaven, Entrance]
The sound of laughter and gossip fills the air, mingling with the scent of pipe
smoke and baking tarts. A warm golden glow fills the room, coming from the
north and the famous tavern of Liani's Heaven. Pegs line the walls as places to
hang cloaks and hats. You also see some moldy bread.
You say, "SW to the tavern here"
Xand asks, "well, did anyone concider that during the gorbesh wars the shops closed?"
Shavay exclaims, "Yeesh, it's a convention!"
Mattreem says, "tis the tour"
(and, we spook the natives in their natural habitat...heh)
You say, "this would be another one of the popular traige locations Veracity"
Veracity nods.
Mattreem says, "from the lecture"
Lennede asks, "well those are premium shops for homes..I don't know if those would close?"
You say, "should be good mana here for all types"
You say, "and again, places to drag off the main room for departing and such"
Kyetn asks, "will the fact that during the night the three gates will be closed affect ones who arent citizens?"
Lennede says, "actually.."
Veracity says, "yes, the dead don't enter the gates"
Veracity says, "even with citizens"
Lennede says, "it has been discussed by some of the powers that be that security in Shard may be heightened to have gates closed to all at night, including the citizens"
Leucius says, "Ah"
Veracity says, "I can vouch for that"
Narice says, "i would highly recommend anyone considering being here during an invasion to become a citizen"
You say, "right...the last stop on our tour will be an 'emergency' triage potential out the east gate"
Lennede raises her hand.
You ask, "aye Lennede?"
Lennede asks, "did ya catch that all?"
Lennede says, "it has been discussed by some of the powers that be that security in Shard may be heightened to have gates closed to all at night, including the citizens"
You grin.
Veracity says, "so all dead have to go through the East Gate"
Lennede says, "just a possibility to be aware of"
You nod.
You say, "interesting..."
You say, "ok, let's move along to the last potential near town then"
Daxlynn asks Lennede, "Some of the powers? Who exactly?"
Veracity asks, "now how in elanthia is that going to help those citizens trying to get IN for safety?"
Lennede says, "It was brought up at the last audience that the Ferdahl had, actually."
Veracity asks, "to deny citizens access?"
[Abandoned Road]
The old road ends in a wide meadow. A flock of sheep is grazing while a
shepherd boy looks on. Suddenly there is a bark and bleat, followed by a ewe
and lamb breaking out of the taller grasses at the meadow's edge. A sheep dog
comes trotting out after them, quite proud of his find. You also see a sleek
bear who is sitting.
You say, "and this is the best area along the bridge to set up an emergency triage"
Lennede says, "this lil spot is just off the gap"
You say, "again, it's exposed"
Narice says, "but only one way in and out"
Lennede nods to Narice.
You say, "but, perhaphs using the ice fortress research, some protection can be set up"
Veracity says, "pop an ice fortress here"
Veracity nods.
Veracity asks, "has anyone checked out the tunnels in the Ferdahls garden?"
You say, "aye, one pace SE from the gap to jackals"
You say, "there isn't very good mana in there Veracity"
Veracity says, "ah ok"
Veracity says, "was just wondering..."
You say, "however, we should consider we may have to fall back to the tower if the city is overrun"
Lennede says, "outside of Shard...there are some sweet mana spots in the stables in Steel Claw clan....over the white bridge to the north of the Fayrins Rest homes area east of Mracheks oak..and the stable up in Gargs."
You say, "I imagine the grounds would be the safest place then"
You nod to Lennede.
Lennede says, "there is also an oasis spot at horse clan."
Veracity says, "erm also good mana in the medic's tent outside Corik's wall"
Lennede says, "oh aye"
Narice says, "wouldn't the tower be really good spot as there are several good mana spots and very close to temples"
You say, "now, did anyone else have other suggestions, I think I've hit all the ones in the city that I would ask we consider"
You say, "let's head back to the chamber to finish our talks..."
Veracity takes a seat.
You say, "so, again, that was just an overview based on where has been popular, and where has good good mana"
Lennede says, "the wall shop is a great find"
You say, "it's very yummy"
You chuckle.
Kyetn whispers to your group, "that ladies shop was great elemental "
You say, "so, I know our numbers have thinned, it's been a lot to take in"
Lennede says, "for those of you that didn't catch it..the place called painted ladies was the wall shop"
Lennede chortles softly at some secret joke.
Lennede says, "not a ladies boutique"
You ask, "do we have any interest in discussing more about the triage spots?"
Kyetn raises his hand.
You say, "or do we need some time to digest what we've gone over tonight"
You grin.
(lots of folks with tired eyes deciding to gather again later...and worried if the panther was getting hungry)
You say, "aye, I think that once again, we've had lots to think about"
Lennede asks, "perhaps at the next meeting we could talk about some strategy?"
You nod to Lennede.
You say, "I would ask that we all start thinking about things such as primary, secondary, emergency triage..."
Lennede exclaims, "and hand out secret decoder rings!"
Lennede chortles softly at some secret joke.
You say, "and also, coding systems and runners"
Lys says, "we need to get draggers for triage and runners "
Veracity asks, "what is that please?"
Lennede asks, "what is what, Vera?"
Veracity asks, "just a quick run down of primary, secondary and tert?"
Redfers tiredly says, "Thank ye all for the information, I must curl up in me bed now"
Veracity asks, "triage?"
Lennede says, "aye, Vera"
You say, "well, I think that folks will go where we end up telling them to"
Daxlynn says, "I would like to point out, the key will be to organize chaos. And there will be some that just plain out resist. I've seen it during Yalleck's attacks here in Shard."
You say, "when someone says 'where do I drag them', they'll go where they are given directions"
Kyetn says, "i have a thought on coding triages when ye have time "
Lennede exclaims, "good good..speaker for the next meetin!"
Daxlynn says, "Many will not get involved untill the war is on their doorsteps"
Lennede grins at Kyetn.
Lennede nods to Daxlynn.
You say, "Kyetn, please...speak..."
You giggle.
You exclaim, "or right!"
You exclaim, "don't speak!"
You giggle.
Kyetn says, "well, i've heard suggestion on code words for different triages"
You say, "and I will wrangle you into being our first speaker next time"
Kyetn says, "and to me, the enemy could figure this out as well as we can"
You wink at Kyetn.
Leucius whispers to your group, "TAG! your it"
Kyetn says, "so to keep it simple, just number each triage"
Veracity asks, "are you speaking of secondary triage sites? or secondary injuries?"
Kyetn says, "lianis havern could be number 1 and so on"
You exclaim, "thank you all for coming again!"
Lennede says, "just a way to identify triage spots without sayin..come to Liani's"
Lennede chortles softly at some secret joke.
Veracity says, "ah ok"
Veracity says, "so not injuries"
Leucius says, "Twas interesting, fun too for that matter"
Leucius says, "Always a plus"
You exclaim, "I am glad we had another fine meeting, again I am so proud of all of you!"
(applause and talk about doing it again)
You say, "with luck, we can meet again in a few weeks, and further our discussions"
You say, "I will make copies of the notes from the meeting too"
You say, "so find me later and I can give you those"
Veracity asks, "oh? and post them where?"
You say, "safe journies all"
And, end of empath gathering #2...