Towin in the Marsh, circa 2002
(I think, before the sand pit by a week or two though)
Shadows form and gather in a swirling dense mass. As two shining blue eyes open within the shadows, shedding a warm glow, they seem to perceive all nuances of the life about them, making Towint's presence known.
Towint asks, "So... what do you think of them?"
You say, "I think..."
You say, "I love you"
You grin.
Towint examines you carefully.
You say, "I definately love being able to be out in the field"
Towint says, "You seem to be learning... although I'm not sure if you are learning too much..."
Towint says, "And they're definitely too easy to locate, not dangerous enough, and too easy to remove, for the amount that they're teaching..."
You say, "well...I think I might be learning a little too much in relation to my defenses, if that makes sense"
Towint says, "Yes... "
You say, "you know, I have drag out two corplses that were chewed up by worms this evening"
You say, "guess the worms were breeding too fast for them"
You say, "but I do think that for now, the learning rate on them is good"
You say, "perhaphs in the future, when you put some antelope ticks down in azurmos"
You grin at Towint.
Towint says, "It will change... but... this is not going to be the only place, nor the only thing that people will see..."
Towint says, "Look at yourself."
You say, "these can be downscaled a tad, but for now it is a nice change of pace, another way of learning the two big healing skills"
Towint expertly removes the blood mite from your right leg with a gentle touch, leaving the wound no worse than it was before.(puurrr)
The blood mite slips free and quickly slithers away, vanishing from sight within moments.
You start to drool Towint, but find that you cannot drool the shadows that form or cloak the one known as Towint B'niyvyl.
You say, "I love you"
You giggle.
You beam at Towint!
Kythryn pats her legs down. looking for another mite)
>look towi
Swirling dense shadows form, or perhaps merely cloak, the strange being known as Towint B'niyvyl. No details of Towint's size or appearance can be readily discerned due to the shifting shadows, except the warm glow of two shining blue eyes which lend a supernatural aura to this shadowy figure. As your vision falls on those eyes, they seem to be gazing back at you.
Towint says, "Understand... this is an experiment... the waters flooded the marsh, and the blood worms are floating within them... but there are other parasites, of different kinds, elsewhere..."
Towint mutters something about the T... guild, but quietly...
You ask, "should we be on the lookout for them now...or soon...or just eventually?"
Towint says, "Many kinds of parasites abound..."
Towint says, "Some, you will be able to remove with a gentle touch..."
Towint mutters that some might require a discouraging word...
You arch your eyebrow.
You ponder.
You rub your hands together.
Cheerful humming arises from the shadows.
>per health
You close your eyes, drawing all your thoughts inward, and then slowly reach out to sense the life essences of those around you...
You sense no other presences.
Towint ponders.
You say, "very interesting...very very interesting..."
Towint says, "I wonder what you see of me, when you try to do that..."
Towint chuckles.
You grin.
You say, "well, if I did not hear your words, I would not know you were here"
Towint says, "Nor am I..."
You say, "you show no signs of life"
Towint says, "Nor should you..."
You ask, "did you ever have a corporeal body? or have you always existed in this...form?"
Towint says, "None living in these lands have ever seen this what lies within these shadows... nor ever shall."
You nod to Towint.
You say, "well, we are glad to have you among us when you can be"
Towint says, "Those who live not... tell not."
You say, "especially when you help breed the blood critters"
Towint says, "Now..."
Towint says, "Question..."
Towint asks, "If you were able to change them... in what way would you most like to see them changed?"
You ponder.
You say, "well, there are so many aspects to them...I can say that I like how the way empaths tend them off is different than the hunter guilds"
Towint says, "I will say that I have been surprised that so few have understood what is taking place..."
You say, "and of course, the distibution of skills each guild learns is a good thing...unshackles us from conventional ways of doing things"
You nod.
Towint says, "But I'm also not going to explain it to people beyond what has been said already."
(Jeresis comes and goes)
You say, "I would like to see them tied much more closely with the other critters in the area, if they contiune to be 'paired' with them"
You say, "for instance, with crocodilles here"
You say, "perhaphs with a lower level critter, there are fewer and easier blood-critters"
You say, "and with expert critters, the blood-critters come fast and furious"
You say, "I have always wished there was more incentive and reward for empaths to keep pace defensivly with their hunter counterparts"
Towint says, "There are some who have..."
You nod.
Towint says, "I can think of several, offhand..."
Towint says, "Sophrona... Dellica..."
Towint says, "Tilrythran... Icegryphon..."
You say, "I suppose I am thinking of my experience over the years is all"
You say, "I have been able to train my defenses to a competent level, but I feel I have had to choose sitting in a 'healing spot' to advance my healing skills, or train my defense and survival skills"
You exclaim, "I am by no means complining of course!"
You ask, "but perhaphs this was not quite the suggestions you were looking for?"
You say, "I think my babbling is in full gear right now, and I do apologize"
You grin.
You blush a bright red color.
Towint says, "Understand... Loriene... and Brigdha before her... and Smitty before her... have always maintained that Empaths must be allowed to choose to hunt... that the option of being a Field Empath always remain an option, not a requirement. Many Empaths do not like to engage in combat, or even be involved in it. That is a viable path for an Empath, and the release of things such as blood worms is not intended to dissuade them from that choice in any way."
You nod to Towint.
You ponder.
You ask, "have you tossed around ideas for blood-critters in non-hunting area situations?"
Towint says, "The point was to do two things... with regard to Empaths... provide an option for Empaths to learn independent of others, and provide them with a way to learn that didn't require them to forego other 'normal' activities, those activities being considered 'normal' for everyone else."
Towint says, "Oh yes... "
Towint ponders.
Towint says, "I will not say that this will take place..."
(Jeresis splashes comes and goes)
Towint says, "I do not say it, now..."
You say, "I would have to say, at least from my personal experience with the worms, that both of those things has happened...or at least is begining to happen"
Towint says, "However..."
Towint says, "To answer your question... inasmuch as a non-answer might satisfy..."
You grin.
Towint says, "If you have heard of the Games..."
You nod to Towint.
You ask, "the upcoming proviencal games you speak of, aye?"
Towint says, "Consider the possibility for competitive detection and removal... and how one might regulate this..."
You exclaim, "ahhh...I had been curious how one would set up a healing competetion....very interesting!"
(Jeresis comes and goes)
You say, "this brings me to a question that I have been curious about...if you have a moment"
Towint says, "I have said nothing."
(funny critter control:
A crocodile just arrived!
A blue-belly crocodile begins to advance on you!
Towint looks thoughtfully at a blue-belly crocodile.
Towint taps the crocodile on the tail.
Towint picks up the crocodile.
Towint glances at a blue-belly crocodile.
Towint stows a crocodile in a deep black shadow that swirls about with a
confusing motion.
You ponder the poor crocodile and it's enevitable blood mite testing)
You ask, "would you have any desire to comment on why sometimes we can see a worm when we disagnose our health, but other times, we notice it first when we look at our legs? Is it safe to say that there is more than one 'check' we go through to locate the blood worms?"
Towint says, "Not especially. Perhaps, assuming no one bears any onus from such words."
Towint wryly asks you, "You should know that you need to figure these things out yourselves... and that the means to do so exist, if you but work on it... but not all things are the same, and not all members of a species are going to behave the same... you should know this, shouldn't you?"
You say, "I suppose I had just wondered, as in the skill learning, we do not learn perception...but one would think that when we look down at our legs and see the bllod worm signs, that is what enables us to see them quicker...not a mystery that MUST be solved, but I thought I would present the question to you never the less"
Towint asks, "Ah, so you think you should be learning perception, then, and you're not?"
Towint ponders.
You say, "well, it seemed to me that would have been the 'check' on that...but we don' then I wondered if it was not something else"
Towint says, "Certainly something to consider..."
Towint nods firmly.
Towint points. (more funny critter control)
You say, "they must know of their cousin you stowed away"
You say, "they are afraid of you now I think"
Towint says, "They are wiser than most."
You say, "I wonder how large the blood-critters could get, if they would ever deposit things of use"
Towint says, "And a very good question that is..."
You ask, "oh, and I wonder, do you ever see the blood worms having any medicinal value? I remember hearing old, old stories of using the worms to try and remove blood diseases, although in the case of the marsh worms, that would not work. But perhaphs an empath grown worm, that has been nurtured with no parasites?"
Towint says, "Someday, you may find out... but try not to find that answer if you are alone..."
You nod.
Towint says, "Do blood worms have medicinal value..."
Towint ponders.
You exclaim, "I would not like to tangle with one of these worms if it was my size! It would drain my blood before I could cry for help I imagine!"
Towint asks, "Oh? Why would you think it would be limited to your size?"
Towint peers quizzically at you.
You say, "well, I do know that we in the guild have often tossed around the idea about how to make anti-dotes to poison and disease"
You flinch.
You say, "I would only hope it would take a large blood-critter to drain me is all...those are only thoughts from my bad dreams I am afraid, I have never seriously considered a larger blood critter until this night, I have been trying to wrap my mind around how these small versions work yet"
You blanch.
Towint says, "You are in water that is barely up to your knees, if that... think about what exists in the depths, where creatures as big as ships live..."
You say, "but for the medicinal worms, perhaphs there would be a way to milk them for whatever, perhaphs sailva, they excreete that infects us with disease"
Towint says, "I will say this... if you look into it, you may be able to answer your own questions, as to the medicinal value of these things."
You say, "I had also heard old rumors of putting worms onto people in order to help leech out poisons from their system...again, perhaphs if empaths were able to breed the worms in controled situations, they would be useful to poisoned hunters who do not have access to an empath"
You blink at Towint.
You ask, "so there is more to the worms than what we have in common knowledge discovered to date?"
(Xopher and Mingold come and go)
You ponder capturing a blood worm for research
Towint says, "I will say this... you have much to learn... and things continue to grow and evolve, so that you will always have much to learn."
Towint says, "But I thank you for your time, and the opportunity to hear some thoughts by one who has been playing with them..."
You say, "I thank you for your time as well...I am very pleased to hear what you have not said"
Towint says, "Understand, we are watching how they are being handled, and making plans to adjust things accordingly."
You nod.
You ask, "has there been much abuse?"
You say, "a rumor has said so"
Towint says, "All things are relative..."
You say, "but in my marsh hunting, I often wave and am waved back at"
You nod to Towint.
Towint asks, "Has there been any abuse?"
You say, "none that I have come across, or I would have asked someone to look into it to check"
You say, "I have actually been very pleased with the comadre that has developed again between the empaths here"
Towint says, "Of course... although I do recall a note from one in a lower Realm... something about ruining the area and preventing proper learning while asleep..."
You chuckle.
You nod.
You say, "although I suppose there would be ways to drain the marsh and kill off the worms if it came to be a large problem"
Towint says, "Indeed."
You say, "however, here where I exist, the laargest problem I have seen are people who come in and are not yet ready for the crocodilles"
Towint says, "There are two problems here..."
You say, "they come for the worms, and the crocodiles gnaw on them"
Towint says, "Those not ready for the Crocodiles, and those not ready for the Worms..."
You nod.
Towint says, "Adjustments will be made... and we shall see what we shall see, as I have said."
You say, "however tempting it would be to have them separate again though, I do like the idea of adding some challenge to the hunting of the worms"
You nod to Towint.
You say, "from what I have seen, I think everyone is falling into balance"
You say, "those who die now are the ones who have not yet reached that place"
Towint says, "Perhaps."
You say, "many hunters stop me and ask for assistance, and I gladly do so...we are learning new respect for each other again I believe"
Towint says, "That is good to hear."
You say, "as you say, we will see how things turn out...but I believe you have made a very good first start"
Towint says, "I would suggest that you might want to share that with others, as I know that Loriene would certainly appreciate hearing it."
You say, "if you take pride in things, you should do so in this"
You nod.
Towint says, "I am not... totally displeased as to how things are developing."
You say, "I hope that her spirits were not brought down by the latest round of...commentary"
You exclaim, "I hope I speak for all of us that we never mean anything as a personal attack on her...we are all very thankful for the care she takes for us!"
Towint says, "I think... she would appreciate hearing a bit more appreciation than she does."
You nod.
You say, "I will see if I can club a few of the surly empaths down for awhile"
You grin.
Towint says, "No..."
Towint ponders.
You ask, "no? perhaphs the bunny attack then?"
You get a plush orange fluffy bunny with a blue
puffball tail from inside your map pouch.
You shake your fluffy bunny.
You say, "it seems to derail most squaking...fear of the fluffy bunny..."
Towint says, "It is not necessary to be negative."
You nod to Towint.
You say, "I was only speaking in jest...I would never tell anyone what they can or can not each their own"
You say, "but if you have no objections, I will make comments on our conversation here, and perhaphs they will be satisated for a bit"
Towint says, "One can suggest change in a positive fashion rather than a negative one, and one can posit such changes... and at the same time, acknowledge those that have taken place, due to the efforts of those involved."
(Kythryn tucks her bunny under one arm)
Towint says, "I have not said anything that you may not repeat..."
You nod to Towint.
Towint says, "For I have, in fact, said very little..."
Towint says, "I have asked, more than I have spoken."
You say, "you are wise Towint, and I am glad that you have taken time to speak with me..."
You say, "have I been of any assistance? I fear I can ramble on..."
You blush a bright red color.
Towint says, "Wise... no... but not so foolish as to assume wisdom."
Towint says, "However, I will say this..."
You lean forward.
Towint says, "Loriene is working on things for your Guild... and it would be best if she were encouraged in that, rather than discouraged. I could say that this is as true today as it was when she first started, but that would be a falsehood, for it is a truth that has grown."
You nod to Towint.
You say, "I believe I understand what you are saying...and I will do my best to bear that in mind when I make public comments in the future"
Towint says, "I, on the other hand... one could say that I have a thicker skin... but the truth is, I live in the Dark, and am fairly well insulated from the barbs of you folks, since I only venture here of my own desire, to gather information and go back to work in the Dark."
You say, "Loriene has been sent by Firluf himself I beleive, all that she has done for our guild..."
You nod to Towint.
(Xopher and Mingold come and go)
Towint says, "The Darkness call. I must go. Again, thank you for your time."
Towint's shining blue eyes slowly close, as the shadows that both conceal and reveal Towint's presence gradually fade away.
Again, please contact me (Kythryn) directly in game if you have any questions, or you can drop me an email here if I'm not around.